Amazon Seller Product Opportunity Score
SellerApp’s Opportunity Score is a quick and data-backed way to find the best product on Amazon.

Where can you find it?
Log in to SellerApp dashboard → Product Intelligence
You will now see a table view of all the products with separate columns.
Scroll to the right and hover over the Opportunity Score column of any product and you will see the Opportunity Score card.

SellerApp’s Opportunity Score analyzes a product based on six critical metrics.
Demand: Identifies the demand for the product
Competition: Considers the competition of the product
Profit margins: This metric analyzes whether you can make decent profits with the product or not
Revenue Potential: Analyzes the revenue potential of the product
Overhead Costs: Identifies how the overhead costs affect the profitability of the product
PIS Index (Product Innovation Scope): This feature analyzes the selected product to determine if it has good scope for improvement or innovation
To know more about SellerApp’s Opportunity Score read this article:
Amazon Product Opportunity Score – Release Notes
Watch this video to learn more about SellerApp’s Opportunity Score