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Top 9 Ways To Find Profitable Amazon Niche – Get Started Fast and Easy!

Amazon niche finder
September 18, 2024 18 mins to read

If you have always wanted to create an Amazon E-commerce store without ever knowing which Amazon niche to choose, this article should give you real leads to find a genuine niche product.

The method we will share with you to find niche Amazon products is ultra-simple but requires a bit of elbow grease. This may be the best exercise for those who want to quickly find the right Amazon niche and get started on their journey to become successful sellers.

We will help you find real niche ideas: applicable to ALL sectors (E-commerce standard marketplaces).

What is Niche, and Why does it Matter?

Simply put, niche implies a smaller part of a broad market that focuses specifically on particular demographics, common interests, locations, or problems among the consumers. Think of it to be a submarket. For example, if we consider the automobile segment as a market, then a niche, in this case, would be the radial tires market or the pistons market.

Similarly, if we look at electronics, then a niche there would be portable mobile chargers or wireless earphones, and so on.

The idea here is to cater to a small segment of the population as it is easy and more profitable.

For your Amazon business (or any business for that matter), it is important that you look for a niche product. The competition you face here will not be as much as what you will face when you enter a broader market. Furthermore, from a customer acquisition point of view, you will need to focus on acquiring only a few people, let’s say 1,000, in comparison to acquiring 100,000 customers or even more.

That’s why Amazon sellers love niche products. It makes their job of landing sales easier and convenient. With only a small segment of customers to look after, you can very easily direct your efforts in the right direction.

Amazon, eBay, Walmart – Exploiting the big to make small (but powerful!)

The platforms listed above are three of the most popular online marketplaces in the world. They have a huge potential and have a market share of more than 55% in the United States. The best part is these platforms welcome all sellers alike, whether they are individuals or professionals. Of course, there are certain conditions to be fulfilled before that, but generally, everyone is welcome to sell.

The idea is to detect that top-selling product in the current range of products (there are hundreds of thousands). We are talking about products which have a sales volume as high as possible, with the shallow competition.

First-time sellers on Amazon will always suffer from the syndrome of “I don’t even know which product to analyze.” But the difficulty resides in your ability to list as many products as possible, and then fine-tune that list for refined results.

It must be done by losing as little time as possible on products that are clearly not in the niche. Remember, your focus should be to find a product with low competition and high demand.

Without having extensive experience in researching E-business concepts, it is evident that some keywords like: “Electronic cigarette,” “Nike shoes,” “Louis Vuitton bag,” are utterly unassailable. These products require ultra-sharp skills in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and even then, the chances of making a killing are low because the competition is extremely high.

While surfing for products on Amazon, you can fall for a misunderstanding that everyone can find gold in the Amazon niche. It is not something unattainable, but it’s rather tricky, time-consuming, and tedious.

The ideal plan would be to have a comprehensive and synthetic list of products/keywords that you could handle in a simple and above all, fast manner.

The list must be large enough to offer product ideas that virtually nobody has thought of from a commercial point of view. And therefore, must be off the beaten path of competition. Of course, the idea is not to generate this list by hand but let technology do the work for you. And that’s where our Amazon niche finder comes into the picture.

SellerApp’s Product Research Gives you access to our massive database of over 100 million products. You will get all the essential data points to understand the profitability of a niche, benchmark top sellers, analyze your competition and your products with utmost precision. In other words, it is your one-stop Amazon niche finder.

Using this software, you can validate your product idea for profitability before you start selling it and realize that the product was doomed to fail from the start. You can validate your research based on average sales volume, average selling price, estimated sales and revenues per day, historical trends, competitor pricing, etc.

Amazon Product Research Tool - Find Best Products to Sell on Amazon FBA

9 Tips to Find Your Best Amazon Niche Product

Tip 1: An Amazon niche product does not suffer from seasonality.

It is not a necessity, but it is a real plus. It is an ideal condition to find an object which will ensure you have a steady sales volume throughout the year.

Take the case of Bluetooth headphones. The demand for this product is likely to be virtually constant throughout the year (with a peak in December due to Christmas). Conversely, if we take the example of air conditioners, it is likely that they won’t make many sales in winter. Ideally, you want to avoid these kinds of products that don’t sell much at certain times of the year.

The ideal product will guarantee you a stable turnover, which allows you to anticipate stock changes. The only seasonality that is acceptable is the peak sales during the holiday season! You can use Amazon Keyword Planner or Google Keyword Planner to understand the potential seasonality of a product. If the search volume for a particular product is steady throughout the year with little fluctuations, then it’s a good bet!

Tip 2: The product has a good profit margin!

The whole point of doing business on Amazon is to make money at the end of the day. Therefore, it is imperative that you research the margins you stand to make on your product before you place an order for the inventory. You will have to account for shipping, advertising, Amazon fees, and other similar charges in the process.

You can use an FBA calculator for this purpose or get in touch with your potential suppliers/manufacturers and get a quotation from them. From our experience, anything above 15% is a good margin to work.

In addition to the margin, you also have to consider the price points. For instance, if you buy a pen at $0.10 and sell it for $1.50, your margin is excellent. But then, you will have to sell a lot of pens to make good money. On the other hand, if you procure a product for $15 and sell it for $30, it gives you more room to accommodate other charges.

Tip 3: There are no videos of the competing products for your main keyword.

If you want to create a YouTube channel to demonstrate and market your product, you will stand to benefit greatly if you don’t have any competitors doing the same. You will have the potential to rank higher when people type this keyword on YouTube or even Google. You can even put a link to your product in the description and drive more traffic to your listings.

It is all about gaining that untethered edge over your rivals, and if this method helps you achieve it, you should go for it.

Tip 4: Consider the Dimensions of the Product.

From a logistical point of view, selling a product that is heavy and large is a nightmare, unless you already have a good delivery network in place. You will end up paying a huge amount for shipping alone – whether it is for sourcing the product from China or just delivering the item to your customers. Plus, with large products, you may also run into many problems and your margins may be impacted.

On the other hand, products that are small and lightweight are best to sell! They won’t cost a lot to ship and logistically speaking, they are easy to work with. It also makes it a perfect fit for dropshipping.

So before you choose a product, be sure to consider its size and weight (Calculate your product’s weight with this Amazon FBA Weight Calculator) and ensure that it is a good fit for your business model.

Tip 5: Look into the Competition.

Going back to our previous example of Nike shoes and electronic cigarettes, if you choose to sell such products, it is quite likely that you will run into a lot of competition. It will be difficult for you to get your product off the ground, let alone bring it to page one of Amazon search results.

A simple search on Amazon will tell you the kind of competition you can expect for your product. If you find a lot of relevant results, then you may want to reconsider your choices. There is no point in entering a saturated market unless you have a product that can completely turn the game around. Remember – you will always find some competition; as far as possible, look for low-competition niches on Amazon.

Tip 6: The Sponsored Products slots are full for all your main keywords.

Perform a search on Google or Amazon using one of the keywords related to the Amazon niche product that you have identified. If sponsored items are present, it’s a pretty good sign. Why? Because this shows that there is some demand for this type of product in the market. It means that sellers are earning money with advertising and PPC clicks. It implies that there is some money for you to win in this market.

Tip 7: The product has good demand.

find good demand product

This one is pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised to know how many sellers actually forget to consider this critical point. For any product that you choose to sell on Amazon, make sure that you will get regular orders; otherwise, it is an exercise in futility. Ideally speaking, what you need is a product like this:

As you can see, the item is receiving more than 100 orders every day. The daily sales potential is massive here and that’s the kind of number you should strive to hit in your business. Keep in mind that your products should bring you a loyal consumer base that you can rely on. There must be steady demand throughout the year so that you at least stand to make sales consistently.

Tip 8: Explore Niche communities for Amazon Product Ideas

There are plenty of online forums and communities where you can get interesting niche market ideas for your Amazon business. Of course, the journey begins with Reddit – one of the most popular online communities. They have plenty of threads and discussion groups, also known as subreddits, on pretty much every topic you can imagine.

What you can do is explore these communities and see if there is anything that strikes you as a potential business idea. To begin with, you can have discussions on lifestyle, traveling, pets and animals, or anything that you find interesting. As you dig deeper, make a list of all the interesting niche ideas that you are coming across.

For instance, in the travel community, you may see people discuss losing their valuables while traveling or facing difficulties with language barriers. Herein lies a problem to address – the first step in establishing a successful business. Once you identify the products that can solve these issues, head to SellerApp’s Product Research feature and validate that idea:

Best Amazon Niche Product

You can also visit directly and search for the product to see what kind of results you get. If the competition is low or the product quality is inferior in comparison to what you can offer, then you may have very well found your niche!

There is another approach that you can follow here. Instead of looking for products directly, look for specific interests that people have in these communities and online forums. Following our previous example of traveling, some people may be into solo traveling; others may like to travel only to beaches, others may like to travel only to museums in Amsterdam, while some may like to volunteer their time while traveling. When you narrow your market down to these specific niches, you can start coming up with a list of products best suited for these consumers.

Tip 9: Head to Amazon directly to find your niche.

This is one of the most time-consuming ways to find a niche on Amazon although, the effort you put here will be certainly worth it. Amazon, in addition to serving as a marketplace, also serves as a niche finder. You just need to know-how.

The first thing you need to do is head to Amazon and select a department of your choice in the top-left corner.

amazon category selection based on niche

As you can see, you have plenty of options to consider here. Click on any of these categories, and you will be directed to another page with all the relevant products displayed for that department. Once again, in the top left corner, you can see more subcategories for the same department.

amazon product categories

When you visit a product page, scroll down to see the product details. In this section, you can see the Amazon Best Sellers Rank, along with the categories in which the product is ranking:

analyzing amazon product details

If you feel that the product is good enough for your business, then you can gauge its profitability and potential with SellerApp.

sellerapp product profitability and growth analysis

By now, you must have realized that it is a time-consuming process to find an Amazon niche in this manner. Therefore, you will need to be systematic in your approach and carefully make a list of products that you feel can fit into your requirements – low to moderate competition, good demand, good profit margin and quality, and an excellent price point.

In the end, an ideal product would look like this:

  1. Small and light
  2. Low to moderate competition
  3. Selling price is between $15 to $50
  4. Allows you to earn 10 dollars per sale
  5. Daily orders of 10 units

The privilege of selling an Amazon niche!

Amazon US is huge, and the competition is much harder for certain keywords. A lot of the products you see will be perfectly optimized, with sometimes thousands of opinions (and therefore almost uncontrollable).

If you are unsure and want to take them as little risk as possible, then consider this.

Your ideal product is simply a product that may be big on the Amazon US, but it may not be the case in another country or vice versa! There are still many “private-label” products that are successful on Amazon US but are still not available in many countries. The icing on the cake would be when the product that interests you has no sellers in any other Amazon marketplaces. It opens up new avenues to pursue long-term expansion. This, in fact, is the whole idea behind finding a niche product!

As a result, it is rather easy to find a supplier, who in 9 cases out of 10 is present on Alibaba. You do not take a great deal of risk, as you simply read the opinions of US customers to get an idea of what advice your product should receive. You will make the difference by associating it with a brand with a nice logo, creating beautiful photos, writing compelling bullet points, and a seductive description.

What are keywords and metadata?

The keywords and metadata are closely linked. They have long been used in Amazon SEO and the placement of websites. Keywords are important for your products to be visible when searched in Google, Amazon, or any marketplace. Metadata is also an integral part of a search, but unlike a keyword that is visible on the page, metadata are keywords peripheral of your product descriptions, keywords, or even the title. Metadata may not be visible for the user who is searching for your keywords, but it is important from a technical point of view. Proper use of all these data will allow you to get closer to your ultimate goal – sales for your Amazon niche product.

Recommended guide: Amazon and Meta Join Forces: A World-Changing Partnership for E-Commerce.

How to Brainstorm your niche keywords?

Since you are looking for niche products, you will need to review the keywords you are thinking about. Write keywords, or maybe a short sentence, whatever comes to your mind related to your product. Write down what you think and make a list. We’ll sort it out in the next phase.

For example, the book ‘Injection of Reality 2.0’ is a psychological thriller of anticipation. It stages a young hacker having recovered sensitive data around a project called Bluebird or MKultra.

From all of this, we can already realize certain keywords. ‘Thriller,’ ‘psychological thriller,’ ‘anticipation.’ Even ‘Bluebird’ and ‘MKultra’ that are derived from actual facts may interest a reader. These are, in fact, your niche keywords as they are more likely to appeal to a specific set of readers.

In light of these results, it is necessary to make sorting, and this will be carried out in two phases.

  • Identify the relevant keywords by using tools like Google Adwords – keyword planning tool. You can also use the niche keyword finder – SellerApp Keyword Research tool to find the best set of Amazon customer search queries.
  • It will let you know the number of monthly searches carried out around a word or phrase. This, in turn, will help you validate your product research and tell you whether you have chosen a good product or not.
  • You can also use the Amazon auto-suggestion feature to get new keywords suggested from the ones you entered. This phase should allow you to sort between the promising keywords and those that are not.
  • Identify the competition score and the bid scores for each of those keywords to understand which ones can be used for your Amazon niche.

Why should you use the Amazon analytics tool to find your Amazon niche product?

Benefits of utilizing SellerApp for finding your Amazon niche:

  1. SellerApp helps in identifying keywords which are the niche in the categories that you are looking for; for instance: a basic search for keywords with less than 1000 search volume in a particular category can be done with SellerApp.
  2. More importantly, it can also find out variants of keywords which have low search volume. For example, find the variants for the keyword “paint” under the toys’ category with the search volume of less than 1000. You are thus identifying keywords and meta tags that can be used for both increasing the visibility of your products and identifying a profitable Amazon niche.
  3. SellerApp’s algorithm will also reveal the products which are ranking top for those specific keywords on Amazon making it easier for you to see if there is an opportunity to provide a more relevant product for that keyword.
  4. After identifying the right niche keywords, with SellerApp you can track the current products, that are on the top for those keywords, for estimating their reviews, ratings, sales, order count, listing quality, the present keywords used for that listing, the Best Seller Rank, et cetera, to decide on whether to sell a product or not.
  5. Select product ideas where products that are ranking for the keywords are not accurate, where the Best Seller Rank is high, and reviews, and ratings are not positive. This will allow you to launch the product, but with a different strategy where you ensure that the reviews you get are positive.
  6. You can also create alerts for your Product Listing Quality or low reviews for your competitor products, to understand the general feedback received.
  7. Once the product is launched, SellerApp can help in identifying the amazon keywords, meta keywords, and help you track the product performance by tracking reviews, ratings, and profits! It will also help you with Amazon Sponsored Products and preparing your product listing.

By building on these foundations, you can start selling Amazon niche products with low risk. Of course, there is a lot more to be done after that to build a full-fledged, seven-figure income business on Amazon. However, with the right guidance and tools, you can achieve the impossible. Good luck!

Additional Resources:

Ultimate Guide For What to Sell On Amazon

Top Selling Items & Categories On Amazon

Amazon PPC Guide Updated 2021

Walmart Seller Fees

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52 Comments on “Top 9 Ways To Find Profitable Amazon Niche – Get Started Fast and Easy!”

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  43. Sylvia Nunley
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    1. Arishekar N
      June 15, 2021

      Thank you.

  44. Chanag
    April 8, 2021

    Which product categories are good for new amazon seller.

    1. Arishekar N
      June 15, 2021

      Please check out our article for discovering the best products to sell on amazon.

  45. Brenna
    April 29, 2021

    Wonderful post for finding the low competitive niches.
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    1. Arishekar N
      June 15, 2021

      Glad you liked the blog.

  46. Toby Eber
    January 4, 2023

    I found your post to be very informative and well-researched. The case studies you included really helped me understand how to find profitable niches on Amazon

    1. Arishekar N
      January 17, 2023

      Thank you for your feedback

  47. Hilda Stanfill
    January 4, 2023

    Great post, I especially found the tip about using the Amazon Best Sellers list to find niche ideas very helpful.

    1. Arishekar N
      January 17, 2023

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Your feedback is always valuable to us.

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