Optimize Amazon Listing

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Optimize Amazon Listing

Optimize Amazon listing for better sales and increased profits

Amazon proves to be the best platform for sellers who wish to sell their products online without much investment. Selling products online through Amazon is easy and efficient if you learn to optimize Amazon listing. Amazon search algorithm is not as complex as Google search Algorithm so it’s easy to understand optimization and put a strategy in place.

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Tried and tested methods to optimize Amazon Listing and Rank well on Amazon

Selection of relevant keywords

If you are aware of SEO strategies, you must be aware of the importance of keywords. There are numerous Amazon keyword tools online that would help you find the relevant keywords for any products you sell. It is important to optimize Amazon listing using the right keyword. Amazon has an auto-complete facility for long searchers which makes it easier for the buyers to get their relevant products.

Get rid of duplicates

Amazon product variation is an amazing feature that allows you to update products with different colors and sizes. The sellers can use the product variation option to display the colors and variations of products through the same page. It is necessary to avoid creating multiple product pages for the same variation. This improves the product ranking and also help customers to find the products easily on Amazon.

Product page optimization

To optimize Amazon listing, on has to concentrate on the content structure of the product page. The product page must have the title, include bullet points, description of the product and the main image.

Product title - the title of the product can be up to 200 characters long and it should include the primary keywords. A good title has the first letter of every word in Capitals and numbers must be in written in numerals. Color and size variations can be avoided.

The feature of the product – It must be represented in bullet points in order to optimize Amazon listing. The sentences have to short and precise but very informative. All the major features of the product must be listed here.

Product description – The product description in Amazon is optimized for the relevant keywords. It has to provide the dimension of the product and all additional information about the product.

Product images – Amazon allows the seller to upload 9 images. The high-quality image in different angles and dimensions makes it easy for the customers to make a buying decision.

One must believe that ranking on Google is different from ranking on Amazon. In Amazon, the ranking is based on how well the product is displayed on customer searches.

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