Quickly Identify the Indexing Status of Your Products on Amazon

Discover all indexed and non-indexed backend keywords for your product, and optimize your listings to boost discoverability and drive more traffic!



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The Best Amazon Index Checker Tool

The easiest way to check if your products are indexed for targeted keywords or not.

Improve Discoverability and Conversions

Backend keywords may not be visible on your product page, but they are crucial to improve the product's discoverability. Use the SellerApp Index Checker to check the indexing status of all backend keywords in your listing.

Get Accurate and Reliable Results

The SellerApp Index Checker tool provides real-time indexing status, giving you a clear picture of which keywords are indexed and which ones need optimization.

Save Time and Effort

Manually checking the indexing status of your keywords can be tedious. The SellerApp Index Checker tool simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your business.

Avoid checking keyword indexing status manually – Quickly identify if your products are indexed for relevant keywords with a few clicks!

No More Missed Sales Opportunities

Don't let your business suffer the consequences of missing out on profitable keywords. Use the Amazon index checker from SellerApp to identify the backend search terms indexed by Amazon and the keywords for which your product is not displayed for on search results.

Revisit the indexed keywords periodically, and make necessary changes to your listing to ensure your product doesn’t become a profit leak over time.

keyword indexing amazon

Remove Duplicate Keywords, Focus on Crucial Ones

Amazon’s algorithm indexes only the first 250 bytes entered in the backend search terms field. To get maximum visibility, use this limited space to the fullest.

With our Amazon index checker tool, you can quickly identify repetitive keywords that waste character limits and refine your backend keywords by removing duplicates. Optimize your listing to boost visibility and sales.

amazon index and rank checker

Discover indexed and non-indexed keywords and optimize your listing for success!

Key Highlights

Identify Indexed and Non-Indexed Backend Keywords

Quickly determine indexed and non-indexed backend keywords with SellerApp Index Checker tool.

Improve Discoverability and Drive Traffic

Recognized As A Leader In The Industry



"SellerApp’s tools have helped me find a product to sell successfully on Amazon and also optimize my search ranks. What I wanted was an all-in-one Amazon tool."

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are backend keywords on Amazon?

  • What is an Amazon index checker?

  • How do you use the SellerApp Amazon index checker?

    • Log in to the SellerApp dashboard.
    • Access the SellerApp Product Intelligence tool.
    • Choose the specific product you want to analyze.
    • Select the Amazon Index Checker tool within the Product Intelligence tool.
    • Copy all the backend keywords associated with your product from your seller central account.
    • Paste the backend keywords into the Amazon Index Checker tool.
    • Click on the 'Check' button.
    • The tool will display if your product is indexed on Amazon for those keywords.

  • What is keyword ranking on Amazon?

  • How many backend keywords can I track with the SellerApp Amazon Index Checker tool?


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